Performance Improvement Management Software (PIM DEASoft-V3.0 User Guide)

Input/output selection

This enables you to select the input and output variables to be active within a given DEA model. Once the model has been created double click on the model and a panel such as that illustrated below will appear (in the case of VRS). Click on the 'IO' tab. The full set of input and output variables in your data are initially listed in the left hand side window (see the screen shot below). Highlight the variable(s) you wish to use as active input variable(s) and move them using the triple arrow to the right of the window labelled 'Inputs'. Repeat this for the variable(s) you wish to use as active output variables. Under variable returns to scale (VRS) you may further identify some input and /or output variables as non-discretionary (exogenously fixed). You can achieve this by moving the variable(s) concerned to the furthest right hand window labelled 'Non Discretionary Inputs' by using the triple arrow to the right of the 'Inputs' window.  The effect of specifying a variable as ‘Non Discretionary’ is to solve the model developed by Banker and Morey (1986) for non-discretionary variables under variable returns to scale.
All foregoing selections can be reversed by highlighting the variable(s) concerned and using the triple arrow left to move them to your desired location.
Click on to ensure your model changes are saved.
If your model is input-orientated you will only have the choice of 'Non Discretionary' variables for your input variables, as illustrated above. Similarly for output-orientated models you will only have the choice of 'Non Discretionary' variables for your output variables.
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